
Hear from people who I have worked with

After more than a decade of actively trying to improve and work on myself by seeking different paths and flailing at each step, I approached Shruti specifically for couples counselling. I got in touch and received a prompt response, and we were able to begin couples’ sessions straightaway. I did not expect to feel so understood, seen, and heard in a non-judgemental space.

Shruti is the first professional who was able to actively listen to and understand my ethnic and immigrant background. This lifted a huge implicit weight off my shoulders in terms of explaining or defending parts of myself. Shruti was able to help me discuss things openly, candidly, and kindly. I didn’t realize how much I hungered to be fully listened to. Everything I felt could be said in a safe space. For the first time in my life, I could express what I needed to. I am so thankful and relieved to have found Shruti, who happened to be the first brown woman therapist I spoke to – it made all the difference to me personally.

I felt accepted immediately by Shruti. I felt like I was able to connect with Shruti and was motivated to continue the sessions as I always felt better, hopeful and gained insights about myself and others after each session.

No topic was off limits. As someone who has always tried to be ‘good’ and who conformed to a lot of social expectations, it was liberating to say the things I really wanted to express within the sessions. I was also able to learn self-compassion (a concept which till then was completely foreign to me). From the first session, I felt understood without being judged.

Being actively listened to, I learnt how to express myself with clarity and finish the sentences I needed to share but till then could not. Over time I was able to share my experiences, fears and worries and process them. I became freed of many of these, which was a huge relief.

Working with Shruti, I was able to finally process something which had haunted me for over two decades. No matter how many years I spent trying to make sense of it, it was a dark puzzle which I was finally freed of.

I was able to trust Shruti as she did not rush to prescriptively label or diagnose me. She gave me the gift of her presence in helping me explore my inner worlds with grace. I was able to share some of my deepest fears and worries for the first time.

Despite a Shruti having a packed schedule with other clients, I was able to get in touch and schedule in emergency sessions when required.

I am so thankful and especially appreciated the respect and discretion I could witness when Shruti met my parents. I really am grateful for the care Shruti extended while maintaining the dignity of my family when we were going through a vulnerable time. I was able to trust Shruti not just with journeying with me through my challenges, but with helping my parents with theirs. Shruti navigated this with sensitivity which I will always be thankful for. Shruti created a welcoming therapeutic space for my parents to feel comfortable and equipped them with practical help for challenges ahead.

When I first met Shruti I felt totally incoherent. Being listened to by Shruti, I was able to complete my sentences, articulate my inner world and subsequently be understood. I have never been so actively listened to. It has been a great gift which I will always be grateful for.

These included complications around communication, food, my body, boundaries, fertility, race, relationships, my sense of time. I learnt to not fear taking up my own space in the world. Without any external pressure, I felt empowered to make positive changes in my life after each session. Each conversation felt special and sacred to me. I felt I could be finally seen. And I could thus transfer this into my relationships with others.

Female, in her thirties, 5 years in therapy

Shruti helped me through a difficult period in my life which included death of a parent, intercontinental relocation and more. It was great to have somebody to talk to, who listened without prejudice, asked questions which made me discover formerly unknown connections and mechanisms and supported me on my way out of misery. Shruti was always reliable, down to earth and extremely patient with me. Talking to a psychotherapist is not easy and sometimes I was exhausted after that hour, but on the long term it is a little bit like going to a spa - a spa for the soul, that helps to understand oneself and to become a whole person.  I would fully recommend doing therapy with Shruti, to anyone interested in finding out more about him/herself and looking for answers within. My more than two years of therapy with Shruti were always and exclusively online - I (unfortunately) never met her in person. But I am convinced that a person to person therapy could not have helped me better. It is wonderful to have this chance to be completely flexibel in terms of times and location. And some might even prefer not to go to a clinic. P.S.: And in addition I should mention that even though English is not my mother tongue Shruti and I never had a problem communicating. So doing an online therapy this way might be an answer to all the months long waiting lists for therapy in countries like Germany.

Female, in her fifties, 4 years in therapy (with a a break of a total of 4-6 months in between as and when needed)

Shruti has always given me the space to allow myself to be open and share my feelings, without the fear of judgement. Shruti guided myself and my family through a session, ensuring each one of us feels valued and heard. I couldn’t recommend Shruti enough!

Female, adolescent to young adult, 4 years in therapy

I have been a long-time client of Shruti because she provided a very open and non- judgemental environment along with a warm presence to hold space for what I needed to release. With this underpinning, she was able to frame tensions (issues) from the anecdotes I share and highlight the area of self-work that I needed to tackle. Shruti is versatile in her methods of intervention, using art therapy, whiteboard diagramming and meditative practices that helped me gain awareness and centred-ness, which eventually shifted my mind-set to one of being instead of doing.

Female, in her thirties, 5 years in therapy

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